The Autonomous University of Chile (UA) -a non-profit institution founded in Temuco in 1989- was born in the region of La Araucanía to provide young people from that area with access to higher education in disciplines of interest to them, thus avoiding the formative emigration. The UA’s mission is “to train, at the different levels of the system, competent, socially responsible graduates and graduates oriented towards permanent education. For this, providing a quality academic environment that promotes the development of teaching, research and links with the environment, thus contributing to the progress of society.

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Ponentes ORP
Director de Desarrollo Corporativo
U. Autónoma de Chile
Profesor investigador Instituto de Investigación en Derecho
U. Autónoma de Chile
Directora AlejandrIA y Divulgadora Científica
U. Autónoma de Chile
Académico investigador, profesor asistente y coordinador del Grupo de Investigación “Inteligencia Artificial y Derecho”
U. Autónoma de Chile