Waldemar Karwowski

Waldemar Karwowski
Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering (IASE)
Estados Unidos

Doctor of Science in Management Science, State Institute for Organization and Management in Industry, Warsaw. Poland.
Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.
M.Sc. in Production Management , School of Management and Information Sciences, Technical University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland.
CPE, Certified Professional Ergonomist, Certificate N 341, Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics P.E., Registered Professional Engineer (State of Texas, License No 61616)
Doctor of Science Honoris Causa, South Ukrainian Odessa State Pedagogical University of Ukraine, Odessa, Ukraine, 2004.
Professor and Chairman, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems at University of Central Florida



The Brain at Work: Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders Through Neuroergonomics


Human-Centered Design of Artificial Intelligence


Human centered design of artificial intelligence


Safety at work in the era of Artificial Intelligence
Congreso Internacional ORP2021


Human factors of cybersecurity in the power grid utilities: A survey study