At ORP Consulting our mission is to help organisations build safer, healthier, more sustainable and productive work environments. We are a consultancy specialising in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), committed to providing customised and innovative solutions that promote occupational risk prevention, sustainability, digital transformation and the promotion of Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I).
We have a multidisciplinary team of OSH experts with extensive experience in a variety of sectors, enabling us to understand the specific needs of each client. Our approach combines excellence, regulatory compliance, the application of advanced technologies and the incorporation of innovative practices to solve the most complex challenges.
integrating sustainable solutions and the use of cutting-edge technology.
researching and applying new technological solutions that transform working environments into safer and more efficient spaces.
backed by digital tools that optimise document management and tracking.
using digital platforms that enhance interactive and efficient learning.
through advanced technological tools and innovative methodologies.
with a focus on sustainability, digitalisation and continuous improvement based on innovation.
At ORP Consulting, we understand that safety, sustainability, digitalisation and innovation are not just trends, but the fundamental pillars for the future of work. Our commitment to R&D&I allows us to offer state-of-the-art services that adapt to the changing needs of the market.
Trust ORP Consulting to lead your transformation to a safer, more sustainable and innovative working environment.
The 5Z Culture is a model for a healthy organisation based on the Vision Zero mindset and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. It is an initiative of the ORP International Foundation in the quest to promote people’s wellbeing and sustainable work environments.
5Z Culture promotes a visionary organisational culture:
Master of Arts-MA, Political and Social Science por Universidad de Aalborg, Dinamarca
Post graduate diploma , International Studies por Universidad de Aalborg, Dinamarca
Director European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (1996-2006)
Secretario General Asociación Internacional de la Seguridad Social (2006-2019)
Presidente de Fundación Internacional ORP
Doctor in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
Doctor in Psychology from the University of Barcelona.
Associate Professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Director of the Specific Research Center for the Improvement and Innovation of the Company (CERpIE) of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.
Director of the International Congresses and Symposia on Risk Prevention ORP
Doctorate from the Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya.
Degree in Biological Sciences from the Universidad de Barcelona.
Associate Professor of the Department of Business Organization of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Scientific Director of the FIORP International Foundation
Researcher at the Research Centre for the Improvement and Innovation of Companies (CERPIE) of the Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC).
Doctorate at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Master’s Degree in Business Innovation and Technological Management from the Universitat de Girona
Project Management Engineering by Payam-e Noor University
CERpIE researcher
PhD in Mathematics from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia
PhD in Physics and Mathematics from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Master in Mathematics from the University of Toulon
Master in Mathematics from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Professor at UIC & Data Scientist Specialized in NLP & Educator & Partner at SOMIA SOLUTIONS
Engineer in Food Industries from the Universidad Privada del Valle.
Expert in Safety at Work, Master in Integrated Management from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Consultant-Auditor of Healthy Company 5Z Seal
FIORP Ambassador in Bolivia
Master in Occupational Health and Engineering and Environmental Management from UPC
Degree in Chemical Sciences from the Universidad de Salamanca
AeQUO Founder and Sustainability Advisor ESG & SUSTAINABILITY Services
Director of Healthy Company Culture 5Z
PhD Industrial and Systems Engineer University of Minho
Coordinates the Ergonomics & Human Factors Research Group.
Vice-President of the Portuguese Society for Safety and Hygiene (SPOSHO) since its foundation in 2004.
Professor at the University of Minho (Portugal) and President of the School of Engineering of the UMinho
Doctor in Business Economics and Quantitative Methods from the Carlos III University
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of the Balearic Islands
Professor at the University of the Balearic Islands
Doctor y Licenciado en Bioquímica por la University in Leyden
Sus intereses de investigación abarcan la exposición a los factores de riesgo, las medidas para controlar los riesgos laborales, y los accidentes laborales -incluyendo sus aspectos jurídicos- en diversos sectores industriales.
Profesor asociado del Grupo de Ciencia de la Seguridad de la Universidad Politécnica de Delft (Holanda).
Doctor en Economía y Organización de Empresas por la Universitat de les Illes Balears.
Arquitecto Técnico
Ingeniero en Edificación
Profesor Universitat de les Illes Balears
D.Sc. (Tech.) in Safety Engineering from the Tampere University of Technology, Finland.
Professor of Safety Engineering and Risk Management at the Tampere University, the Center for Safety Management and Engineering.
Doctor of Business Administration in Management Information Systems (MIS) of the University of Yonsei, Corea.
Doctor in Ergonomy, Department of Industrial Engineering, Technological University of Texas, USA.
Master in Industrial Engineering, Rugers University, USA (2005).
Professor in Seoul Tech University
Doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Santiago de Compostela
Master in Biomedical Experimental Sciences at the University of Barcelona
Technician in Occupational Risk Prevention, Higher Level, Ergonomics and Psychosociology from the Mutua Universal Foundation
Judicial Expert in Biomechanics and Ergonomics at the Institute of Clinical Biomechanics
Postgraduate in Biomechanics from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Graduate in Physical Education and Sports Sciences from INEFC
CERpIE Researcher
Doctor in Toxicology from the University of Paris V
Bachelor of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of Santiago de Compostela
Specialty in Public Health and Hygiene at the University of Paris VI
Occupational Physician from the University of Paris VIII (France)
Post-doctorates at the Division of Environmental Sciences of the Columbia University School of Public Health (New York-USA) and at the Unité de Toxicologie Industrielle de l’Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium).
She currently works in the Department of Occupational Medicine of the Careggi University Hospital (Florence, Italy).
Researcher at CERpIE
PhD in Psychology from the Universidad de Valencia
Master in Management of Prevention Services (Executive Programme) by the UPC.
Specialist in Occupational Medicine by the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de Barcelona.
Associate Professor at the Business Organization Department of the UPC
Head of SST at TUSGSAL (Urban Transport and General Services, Sociedad Anónima Laboral).
Doctor of Medicine, specialist in Clinical Analysis, Santiago de Compostela University
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, Santiago de Compostela University
Fellow of the American College of Medical Toxicology
Membership of ESBIO (Expert team to Support Biomonitoring in Europe)
National coordinator of the Clinical Toxicology area (AETOX)
Head of the Clinical Analysis Service of the Vithas Lab- Vigo Laboratory
PhD in Medicine from the Universidad de Zaragoza and Universite Henri Poincare-Nancy
Specialist in Occupational Medicine from the Professional School of Occupational Medicine of the Universidad de Zaragoza.
Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Universidad de Oviedo.
MSc Occupational Health Universidad del Valle (CO)
MSc Public Health Universidad del Valle (CO)
MD Medicine Universidad del Valle (CO)
Docente del Máster en Salud Ocupacional – Universidad del Valle – Escuela de Salud pública
Doctor of Science in Management Science, State Institute for Organization and Management in Industry, Warsaw. Poland.
Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.
M.Sc. in Production Management , School of Management and Information Sciences, Technical University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland.
CPE, Certified Professional Ergonomist, Certificate N 341, Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics P.E., Registered Professional Engineer (State of Texas, License No 61616)
Doctor of Science Honoris Causa, South Ukrainian Odessa State Pedagogical University of Ukraine, Odessa, Ukraine, 2004.
Professor and Chairman, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems at University of Central Florida
Licenciatura en Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación, sección Psicología por la Universidad del Pais Vasco
Máster en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales por CIFESAL
Coordinador del Área psicosocial en el Servicio de Prevención de Iberdrola.
Coautor del programa de prevención participativa RADAR
Physician and Surgeon from the CES University. Colombia.
Specialist in Occupational Health and Safety Management.
Certified as an Ontological Coach by Newfiled Network.
Ex-Expert Consultant of ARL Sura of the National Technical Management.
Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía por la Universitat de Barcelona
Medicina del Trabajo y Salud Pública por la Universitat de Barcelona
Ex-Director del Departamento de Promoción de la Salud del INSST
Consultor FIORP
PhD in Psychology from the University of Oviedo
Degree in Psychology from the University of Oviedo
Master in prevention of occupational hazards.
Diploma in Ergonomics and Human Ecology from the University of Paris 1-Sorbonne.
Technical Engineer in Metallurgy from the University of Oviedo
Consultant in Ergonomics and Forensic Psychosociology
Médico Cirujano. Especialista en Medicina del Trabajo. Máster en Toxicología.
Médico del Trabajo de Uniphos Colombia Plant Limited.
Representante legal de Asesorías Especializadas Integrales SAS.
Asesor de empresas: Energía Solar, Comfenalco, Axalta, CHM, Sero, Grupo Su Servicio, Retycol, Litoplas, Conminas entre otras.
Asesor de Administradoras de Riesgos Laborales con énfasis en Riesgo Químico.
Docente de Posgrado en diferentes Universidades del país (UIS, Del Atlántico, De La Costa, Libre).
Conferencista Nacional e Internacional.
Master in psychosociology
Ing. Constructor / Civil Constructor
Exp. Prof. Risk prevention
Manager of the High Training Center (CAF)
Licenciado en Farmacia por la Universitat de Barcelona
Ingeniero Químico por la Universidad de Tolousse
Ingeniero Industrial por la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Director del Centro Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo del INSHT desde 1984-2002
Master en Ergonomía y Factor Humano Universitat de Florencia y Siena
Diploma en Experto Industrial Jefe Ist. Tec. Ind. “T. Sarrocchi” Siena
Leading Innovation at Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business
Executive leadership Forum at Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business
Business Administrator from the University of Pforzheim
CEO and Owner Business Intelligence Latin Consulting -BILC SAC
Doctor en Ciencias Químicas por la Universidad de Barcelona
Master en Ingeniería y Gestión Ambiental por la Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya
Ingeniero Químico Diplomado por la Universidad de Barcelona
Técnico Superior de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales
Auditor de ENAC.
Profesor del CAF
Master in Human Resources Management-Specialty People Management from Miguel de Cervantes University.
Specialist in Human Resources Management from Universidad Externado de Colombia
Master in Integrated Management in Prevention, Environment and Quality from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Administration of Commercial Companies of Universidad Colegio Mayor
General Manager of Easytech Global Colombia
PhD in Human Resources at the Japan-EU Center in Tokyo di Tokyo (Japan)
Doctorate in Law, Università di Parma (Italy)
Master in Business Administration at the School of Management in Torino (Italy)
Hydraulic systems at Michigan State University (United States)
Human Resources and ESG Advisor, Senior Executive Officer, Tsubaki Nakashima Co Ltd
Degree in Geography and History.
Master in Management of Prevention Services from the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.
Postgraduate course in Ergonomics from the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.
Associate Professor at the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.
Certified Facilitator LEGOØ SERIOUS PLAYØ Methods