The Colombian Society of Occupational Medicine is a medical, scientific, non-profit society, founded in March 1946 and which brings together medical specialists in Occupational Health and/or Occupational Medicine. Since its creation to date, it has carried out activities aimed at improving the quality of life of workers in Colombia, for which it has been part of the formulation of policies and standards that regulate labor activity in our country. This year the Society commemorates 70 years of its creation, for which it is organizing different academic and cultural activities, such as the 36th Colombian Congress of Occupational Medicine and Occupational Health that will be held in the city of Cartagena de Indias, during the days May 18 to 20 with the participation of renowned international and national professionals, who will be sharing their experiences and knowledge, in addition to having the support of many companies from the health, education, safety, industrial and occupational risk sectors.

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