ACCIONA is one of Spain’s leading business corporations, a leader in the development and management of infrastructure (construction, industrial, water and services) and renewable energies. It is listed on the selective Ibex-35 stock market index and is a benchmark stock in the market.

ACCIONA has consolidated the reinvention of this great Company. Less than a decade ago, it was one of Spain’s leading construction companies, immersed in a process of diversification and the search for international business opportunities. In 2008 and following Endesa’s exit in 2009, ACCIONA completed its transformation into a pioneering company in development and sustainability, becoming a global leader in the development, production and management of renewable energies and infrastructure (construction, industrial, water and services), with the lowest environmental impact. This trajectory would not have been possible without its pioneering tradition. Not for nothing was it the first merger in the Spanish construction market and, during the 1990s, it was also the first non-utility to adopt a strategy based on renewable energies.

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Ponentes ORP
Director Prevención Riesgos Laborales
Head of Industrial Relations and Labor Law